It all begins with an impulse

I want to unlock the artist’s potential. Allow for self actualization and awareness. Take text from the general, to the specific.

College Prep (logistic + artistic)


Film/Tv Technique

Audition techniques (live + self tape + logistic)

Bilingual Acting

Story through Song

Voice / Physical work

Creating your own work



“Before stepping foot in your class, I always assumed and carried myself as though the performance was a perfect and best version of a final product. Now, I am approaching all of my acting with a different mindset. Allowing the process to transform and take place each and every time you act, only increases your skill and elevates your authenticity. I now understand the importance of breath, and not only breath, but deep rooted, focused, concentrated breath that allows for a blank canvas.”
“You gave me a template for literally any piece of text I will ever come across. You changed the game for me. You introduced me to real acting, and this made me want it even more. Acting may be the only time of day we are honest.”
“I no longer feel pressure when I perform. I no longer feel strained to tell a story because you’ve shown me the power I hold within myself to simply be.”

Individualized Coaching